
Boxcryptor on the App Store

評分 3.0 (176) · 免費 · iOS With Boxcryptor, you encrypt your files before uploading them to Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams and many other providers.

Boxcryptor stopped working, how do I access the encrypted files on ...

How do I access my encrypted files? On their home page they recommend copying the files to an unencrypted location but I did not do that before ...

Can't access virtual drive after reboot

There are more options under the Mounting tab of the same Options window. This may provide the additional functionality more like Boxcryptor.

Can't open encrypted files via Boxcryptor

W11: not possible anymore to open encrypted files via good (old) boxcryptor.no matter which filetype and when it was last changed.

Cryptomator Filesystems & dot_clean on Mac OSX

Hi, Due to using a network volume for Cryptomator, it seems like OSX is creating a lot of ._* files that when using a cloud drive sync sort ...

Dropbox and Boxcryptor

If I now try to access an only online available file within the boxcryptor directory even w/o boxcryptor running I get the following error, ...

How to switch off Some files are not available on this Mac

Boxcryptor often shows a notification stating Some files are not available on this Mac. How can I switch that off?

Mac Sonoma

No files can be opened after installing Mac Sonoma and the newest Boxcryptor version 3.13 (680). Activities showing renaming of every ...

[PDF] Manual

Files available only in iCloud and not stored on the Mac are not available in the Boxcryptor drive. Those files must first be downloaded in iCloud Drive ...

[PDF] What is the Cloud?

Encryption of locally stored files: Files stored locally on your Mac are not encrypted by Boxcryptor anymore due to technical limitations by Apple's File ...


評分3.0(176)·免費·iOSWithBoxcryptor,youencryptyourfilesbeforeuploadingthemtoDropbox,iCloud,GoogleDrive,OneDrive,MicrosoftTeamsandmanyotherproviders.,HowdoIaccessmyencryptedfiles?OntheirhomepagetheyrecommendcopyingthefilestoanunencryptedlocationbutIdidnotdothatbefore ...,TherearemoreoptionsundertheMountingtabofthesameOptionswindow.ThismayprovidetheadditionalfunctionalitymorelikeBoxcryptor.,W11:...
